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  • 该元素左边离它最近的比它大的是该元素出栈后的栈顶元素,如果出栈后栈空,那么该元素左边没有比它大的数
  • 该元素右边离它最近的比它大的是进栈元素


  • 该元素右边没有比它大的数
  • 该元素左边离它最近的比它大的数是该元素从栈弹出后的栈顶元素,如果该元素弹出后栈为空,那么该元素左边没有比它大的数



public static void findLeftAndRightBigger(int arr[]){    Stack
stack = new Stack<>(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { //check the agreement before push the index of element while (!stack.empty() && arr[stack.peek()] < arr[i]) { //pop and record the info(print or save) int index = stack.pop(); System.out.print("index:" + index + ",element:" + arr[index] + ",right bigger is:" + arr[i]); if (stack.empty()) { System.out.print(",hasn't left bigger\n"); } else { System.out.println(",left bigger is:" + arr[stack.peek()]+"\n"); } } //push stack.push(i); } while (!stack.empty()) { int index = stack.pop(); System.out.print("index:" + index + ",element:" + arr[index] + ",hasn't right bigger"); if (stack.empty()) { System.out.print(",hasn't left bigger\n"); } else { System.out.println(",left bigger is:" + arr[stack.peek()]+"\n"); } }}public static void main(String[] args) { int[] arr = {
2, 1, 7, 4, 5, 9, 3}; findLeftAndRightBigger(arr);}复制代码











0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 11 1 1 0 11 1 1 1 1复制代码








public static int maxRectangleArea(int matrix[][]){    int arr[] = new int[matrix[0].length];    int maxArea = Integer.MIN_VALUE;    for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {        for (int j = 0; j < matrix[i].length; j++) {            arr[j] = matrix[i][j] == 1 ? arr[j]+1 : 0;        }        System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr));        maxArea = Math.max(maxArea, maxRecAreaOfThRow(arr));    }    return maxArea;}public static int maxRecAreaOfThRow(int arr[]){    int maxArea = Integer.MIN_VALUE;    Stack
stack = new Stack<>(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { while (!stack.empty() && arr[i] < arr[stack.peek()]) { int index = stack.pop(); int leftBorder = stack.empty() ? -1 : stack.peek(); maxArea = Math.max(maxArea, arr[index] * (i - leftBorder - 1)); } stack.push(i); } while (!stack.empty()) { int index = stack.pop(); int rightBorder = arr.length; int leftBorder = stack.empty() ? -1 : stack.peek(); maxArea = Math.max(maxArea, arr[index] * (rightBorder - leftBorder - 1)); } return maxArea;}public static void main(String[] args) { int matrix[][] = { {
0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, {
0, 0, 0, 0, 1}, {
1, 0, 0, 0, 1}, {
1, 0, 1, 0, 1}, {
1, 1, 1, 0, 1}, {
1, 1, 1, 1, 1} }; System.out.println(maxRectangleArea(matrix));//6}复制代码




  • 你想看的山峰在环形路径上与你所在的山峰相邻。比如你在山峰A上,那么你能够看到B和E上的烽火。
  • 如果你想看的山峰和你所在的山峰不相邻,那么你可以沿环形路径顺时针看这座山也可以沿环形路径逆时针看这座山,只要你放眼望去沿途经过的山峰高度小于你所在的山峰和目标山峰,那么也能看到。比如C想看E,那么可以通过C->B->A->E的方式看,也可以通过C->D->E的方式看。前者由于经过的山峰的高度1和2比C的高度3和E的高度5都小,因此能看到;但后者经过的山峰D的高度4大于C的高度3,因此C在通过C->D->E这个方向看E的时候视线就被山峰D给挡住了。



















public static class Record{    int value;    int times;    public Record(int value) {        this.value = value;        this.times = 1;    }}public static int comunications(int[] arr) {    //index of first max value    int maxIndex = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {        maxIndex = arr[maxIndex] < arr[i] ? i : maxIndex;    }    Stack
stack = new Stack<>(); stack.push(new Record(arr[maxIndex])); int res = 0; int index = nextIndex(arr, maxIndex); while (index != maxIndex) { while (!stack.empty() && arr[index] > stack.peek().value) { Record record = stack.pop(); res += getInternalPairs(record.times) + record.times * 2; } if (arr[index] == stack.peek().value) { stack.peek().times++; } else { stack.push(new Record(arr[index])); } index = nextIndex(arr, index); } while (!stack.empty()) { Record record = stack.pop(); res += getInternalPairs(record.times); if (!stack.empty()) { res += record.times; if (stack.size() > 1) { res += record.times; } else { res += stack.peek().times > 1 ? record.times : 0; } } } return res;}//C(K,2)public static int getInternalPairs(int times){ return (times * (times - 1)) / 2;}public static int nextIndex(int[] arr, int index) { return index < arr.length - 1 ? index + 1 : 0;}public static void main(String[] args) { int[] arr = {
9, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 9,1}; System.out.println(comunications(arr));}复制代码











  • 性质1. 节点是红色或黑色。
  • 性质2. 根节点是黑色。
  • 性质3 每个叶节点(NIL节点,空节点)是黑色的。
  • 性质4 每个红色节点的两个子节点都是黑色。(从每个叶子到根的所有路径上不能有两个连续的红色节点)
  • 性质5. 从任一节点到其每个叶子的所有路径都包含相同数目的黑色节点。

这些约束强制了红黑树的关键性质: 从根到叶子的最长的可能路径不多于最短的可能路径的两倍长。结果是这个树大致上是平衡的。因为操作比如插入、删除和查找某个值的最坏情况时间都要求与树的高度成比例,这个在高度上的理论上限允许红黑树在最坏情况下都是高效的,而不同于普通的二叉查找树。



它是由中国广东中山纪念中学的陈启峰发明的。陈启峰于2006年底完成论文《Size Balanced Tree》,并在2007年的全国青少年信息学奥林匹克竞赛冬令营中发表。相比红黑树、AVL树等自平衡二叉查找树,SBT更易于实现据陈启峰在论文中称,SBT是“目前为止速度最快的高级二叉搜索树”SBT能在O(log n)的时间内完成所有二叉搜索树(BST)的相关操作,而与普通二叉搜索树相比,SBT仅仅加入了简洁的核心操作Maintain。由于SBT赖以保持平衡的是size域而不是其他“无用”的域,它可以很方便地实现动态顺序统计中的select和rank操作。







  • LL调整:2号结点的左孩子的左孩子导致整个树不平衡,2号结点右旋一次

  • RR调整:3号结点的右孩子的右孩子导致树不平衡,3号结点左旋一次:

  • LR调整:先左后右

  • RL调整:先右后左:




public static void main(String[] args) {    TreeMap
treeMap = new TreeMap(); treeMap.put(5, "tom"); treeMap.put(11, "jack"); treeMap.put(30,"tony"); treeMap.put(18, "alice"); treeMap.put(25, "jerry"); //红黑树中最右边的结点 System.out.println(treeMap.lastEntry()); System.out.println(treeMap.lastKey()); //红黑树最左边的结点 System.out.println(treeMap.firstKey()); //如果有13这个key,那么返回这条记录,否则返回树中比13大的key中最小的那一个 System.out.println(treeMap.ceilingEntry(13)); //如果有21这个key,那么返回这条记录,否则返回树中比21小的key中最大的那一个 System.out.println(treeMap.floorEntry(21)); //比11大的key中,最小的那一个 System.out.println(treeMap.higherKey(11)); //比25小的key中,最大的那一个 System.out.println(treeMap.lowerKey(25)); //遍历红黑树,是按key有序遍历的 for (Map.Entry
record : treeMap.entrySet()) { System.out.println("age:"+record.getKey()+",name:"+record.getValue()); }}复制代码



The Skyline Problem

水平面上有 N 座大楼,每座大楼都是矩阵的形状,可以用一个三元组表示 (start, end, height),分别代表其在x轴上的起点,终点和高度。大楼之间从远处看可能会重叠,求出 N 座大楼的外轮廓线。

外轮廓线的表示方法为若干三元组,每个三元组包含三个数字 (start, end, height),代表这段轮廓的起始位置,终止位置和高度。


[  [1, 3, 3],  [2, 4, 4],  [5, 6, 1]]复制代码


[  [1, 2, 3],  [2, 4, 4],  [5, 6, 1]]复制代码


  1. 将一座楼的表示[start,end,height]拆分成左右两个边界(边界包含:所处下标、边界高度、是楼的左边界还是右边界),比如[1,3,3]就可以拆分成[1,3,true][3,3,false]的形式(true代表左边界、false代表右边界)。

  2. 将每座楼都拆分成两个边界,然后对边界按照边界所处的下标进行排序。比如[[1,3,3],[2,4,4],[5,6,1]拆分之后为[[1,3,true],[3,3,false],[2,4,true],[,4,4,false],[5,1,true],[6,1,false]],排序后为[[1,3,true],[2,4,true],[3,3,false],[4,4,false],[5,1,true],[6,1,false]]

  3. 将边界排序后,遍历每个边界的高度并依次加入到一棵TreeMap红黑树中(记为countOfH),以该高度出现的次数作为键值(第一次添加的高度键值为1),如果遍历过程中有重复的边界高度添加,要判断它是左边界还是右边界,前者直接将该高度在红黑树中的键值加1,后者则减1。以步骤2中排序后的边界数组为例,首先判断countOfH是否添加过边界[1,3,true]的高度3,发现没有,于是put(3,1);接着对[2,4,true]put[4,1];然后尝试添加[3,3,false]3,发现countOfH中添加过3,而[3,3,false]是右边界,因此将countOfH.get(3)的次数减1,当countOfH中的记录的键值为0时直接移除,于是移除高度为3的这一条记录;……



  4. 遍历maxHOfPos中的记录,构造整个外轮廓线数组:

    起初没有遍历边界时,记start=0,height=0,接着遍历边界,如果边界高度curHeight!=height如上图中的1->2:height=0,curHeight=3,那么记start=1,height=3表示第一条组外轮廓线的startheight,接下来就是确定它的end了。确定了一条轮廓线的startheight之后会有两种情况:下一组轮廓线和这一组是挨着的(如上图2->3)、下一组轮廓线和这一组是相隔的(如上图中3->4)。因此在遍历到边界[index:2,H:4]时,发现curHeight=4 != height=3,于是可以确定轮廓线start:1,heigth:3end:2。确定一条轮廓线后就要更新一下start=2,heigth=4表示下一组轮廓线的起始下标和高度,接着遍历到边界[index:3,H:4],发现curHeight=4=height于是跳过;接着遍历到边界[index:4,H:0],发现curHeight=0,根据步骤3中的逻辑可知一片相邻的建筑到此结束了,因此轮廓线start:2,height:4end=4


package top.zhenganwen.lintcode;import java.util.*;public class T131_The_SkylineProblem {    public class Border implements Comparable
{ public int index; public int height; public boolean isLeft; public Border(int index, int height, boolean isLeft) { this.index = index; this.height = height; this.isLeft = isLeft; } @Override public int compareTo(Border border) { if (this.index != border.index) { return this.index - border.index; } if (this.isLeft != border.isLeft) { return this.isLeft ? -1 : 1; } return 0; } } /** * @param buildings: A list of lists of integers * @return: Find the outline of those buildings */ public List
> buildingOutline(int[][] buildings) { //1、split one building to two borders and sort by border's index Border[] borders = new Border[buildings.length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < buildings.length; i++) { int[] oneBuilding = buildings[i]; borders[i * 2] = new Border(oneBuilding[0], oneBuilding[2], true); borders[i * 2 + 1] = new Border(oneBuilding[1], oneBuilding[2], false); } Arrays.sort(borders); //2、traversal borders and record the max height of each index //key->height value->the count of the height TreeMap
countOfH = new TreeMap<>(); //key->index value->the max height of the index TreeMap
maxHOfPos = new TreeMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < borders.length; i++) { int height = borders[i].height; if (!countOfH.containsKey(height)) { countOfH.put(height, 1); }else { int count = countOfH.get(height); if (borders[i].isLeft) { countOfH.put(height, count + 1); } else { countOfH.put(height, count - 1); if (countOfH.get(height) == 0) { countOfH.remove(height); } } } if (countOfH.isEmpty()) { maxHOfPos.put(borders[i].index, 0); } else { //lastKey() return the maxHeight in countOfH RedBlackTree->log(2,N) maxHOfPos.put(borders[i].index, countOfH.lastKey()); } } //3、draw the buildings outline according to the maxHOfPos int start = 0; int height = 0; List
> res = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry
entry : maxHOfPos.entrySet()) { int curPosition = entry.getKey(); int curMaxHeight = entry.getValue(); if (height != curMaxHeight) { //if the height don't be reset to 0,the curPosition is the end if (height != 0) { List
record = new ArrayList<>(); record.add(start); record.add(curPosition);//end record.add(height); res.add(record); } //reset the height and start height = curMaxHeight; start = curPosition; } } return res; } public static void main(String[] args) { int[][] buildings = { { 1, 3, 3}, { 2, 4, 4}, { 5, 6, 1} }; System.out.println(new T131_The_SkylineProblem().buildingOutline(buildings)); }}复制代码












import java.util.ArrayList;/** * A stored structure.Its add,delete,update,find operation are log(2,N) * * @author zhenganwen */public class SkipList {    private SkipListNode head;    private int maxLevel;    private int size;    public static final double PROBABILITY = 0.5;    public SkipList() {        this.head = new SkipListNode(Integer.MIN_VALUE);        /**         * the 0th level of each SkipListNode is null         */        this.head.nextNodes.add(null);        this.maxLevel = 0;        this.size = 0;    }    private class SkipListNode {        int value;        /**         * nextNodes represent the all levels of a SkipListNode the element on         * one index represent the successor SkipListNode on the indexth level         */        ArrayList
nextNodes; public SkipListNode(int newValue) { this.value = newValue; this.nextNodes = new ArrayList
(); } } /** * put a new data into the structure->log(2,N) * * @param newValue */ public void add(int newValue) { if (!contains(newValue)) { // generate the level int level = 1; while (Math.random() < PROBABILITY) { level++; } // update max level if (level > maxLevel) { int increment = level - maxLevel; while (increment-- > 0) { this.head.nextNodes.add(null); } maxLevel = level; } // encapsulate value SkipListNode newNode = new SkipListNode(newValue); // build all the levels of new node SkipListNode cur = findInsertionOfTopLevel(newValue, level); while (level > 0) { if (cur.nextNodes.get(level) != null) { newNode.nextNodes.add(0, cur.nextNodes.get(level)); } else { newNode.nextNodes.add(0, null); } cur.nextNodes.set(level, newNode); level--; cur = findNextInsertion(cur, newValue, level); } newNode.nextNodes.add(0, null); size++; } } /** * find the insertion point of the newNode's top level from head's maxLevel * by going right or down * * @param newValue newNode's value * @param level newNode's top level * @return */ private SkipListNode findInsertionOfTopLevel(int newValue, int level) { int curLevel = this.maxLevel; SkipListNode cur = head; while (curLevel >= level) { if (cur.nextNodes.get(curLevel) != null && cur.nextNodes.get(curLevel).value < newValue) { // go right cur = cur.nextNodes.get(curLevel); } else { // go down curLevel--; } } return cur; } /** * find the next insertion from cur node by going right on the level * * @param cur * @param newValue * @param level * @return */ private SkipListNode findNextInsertion(SkipListNode cur, int newValue, int level) { while (cur.nextNodes.get(level) != null && cur.nextNodes.get(level).value < newValue) { cur = cur.nextNodes.get(level); } return cur; } /** * check whether a value exists->log(2,N) * * @param value * @return */ public boolean contains(int value) { if (this.size == 0) { return false; } SkipListNode cur = head; int curLevel = maxLevel; while (curLevel > 0) { if (cur.nextNodes.get(curLevel) != null) { if (cur.nextNodes.get(curLevel).value == value) { return true; } else if (cur.nextNodes.get(curLevel).value < value) { cur = cur.nextNodes.get(curLevel); } else { curLevel--; } } else { curLevel--; } } return false; } public static void main(String[] args) { SkipList skipList = new SkipList(); skipList.add(1); skipList.add(2); skipList.add(3); skipList.add(4); skipList.add(5); //mark a break point here to check the memory structure of skipList System.out.println(skipList); }}复制代码








/**     * delete skipListNode by the value     *     * @param value     */public void delete(int value) {    //if exists    if (contains(value)) {        //find the node and its level        SkipListNode deletedNode = head;        int deletedLevels = maxLevel;        //because exists,so must can find        while (deletedLevels > 0) {            if (deletedNode.nextNodes.get(deletedLevels) != null) {                if (deletedNode.nextNodes.get(deletedLevels).value == value) {                    deletedNode = deletedNode.nextNodes.get(deletedLevels);                    break;                } else if (deletedNode.nextNodes.get(deletedLevels).value < value) {                    deletedNode = deletedNode.nextNodes.get(deletedLevels);                } else {                    deletedLevels--;                }            } else {                deletedLevels--;            }        }        //release the node and adjust the reference        while (deletedLevels > 0) {            SkipListNode pre = findInsertionOfTopLevel(value, deletedLevels);            if (deletedNode.nextNodes.get(deletedLevels) != null) {                pre.nextNodes.set(deletedLevels, deletedNode.nextNodes.get(deletedLevels));            } else {                pre.nextNodes.set(deletedLevels, null);            }            deletedLevels--;        }        size--;    }}public static void main(String[] args) {    SkipList skipList = new SkipList();    skipList.add(1);    skipList.add(2);    skipList.add(3);    skipList.add(4);    skipList.add(5);    //mark a break point here to check the memory structure of skipList    skipList.delete(3);    System.out.println(skipList);}复制代码




class SkipListIterator implements Iterator
{ private SkipListNode cur; public SkipListIterator(SkipList skipList) { this.cur = skipList.head; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return cur.nextNodes.get(1) != null; } @Override public Integer next() { int value = cur.nextNodes.get(1).value; cur = cur.nextNodes.get(1); return value; }}@Overridepublic String toString() { SkipListIterator iterator = new SkipListIterator(this); String res = "[ "; while (iterator.hasNext()) { res += iterator.next()+" "; } res += "]"; System.out.println(); return res;}public static void main(String[] args) { SkipList skipList = new SkipList(); skipList.add(1); skipList.add(2); skipList.add(3); skipList.add(4); skipList.add(5); System.out.println(skipList); skipList.delete(3); System.out.println(skipList);}复制代码







我们可以将该题要求解的问题定义成一个过程:对于下标indexarr中在index及其之后的所有面值不限张数任意组合,该过程最终返回所有有效的组合方案。因此该过程可以描述为int process(int arr[],int index,int aim),题目的解就是调用process(arr,0,aim)。那么函数内部具体该如何解决此问题呢?

其实所有面值不限张数的任意组合就是对每一个面值需要多少张的一个决策,那我们不妨从碰到的第一个面值开始决策,比如 arr=[5,10,25,1],aim=15时,( 选0张5元之后剩下的面值不限张数组合成15元的方法数 + 选1张5元之后剩下的面值不限张数组合成10元方法数 + 选2张5元之后剩下的面值不限张数组合成5元方法数 + 选3张5元之后剩下的面值不限张数组合成0元方法数 )就是所给参数对应的解,其中“剩下的面值不限张数组合成一定的钱数”又是同类问题,可以使用相同的过程求解,因此有了如下的暴力递归:

/**     * arr中的每个元素代表一个货币面值,使用数组index及其之后的面值(不限张数)     * 拼凑成钱数为aim的方法有多少种,返回种数     * @param arr     * @param index     * @param aim     * @return     */public static int process(int arr[], int index, int aim) {    if (index == arr.length) {        return aim == 0 ? 1 : 0;    }    int res = 0;    //index位置面值的决策,从0张开始    for (int zhangshu = 0; arr[index] * zhangshu <= aim; zhangshu++) {        res += process(arr, index + 1, aim - (arr[index] * zhangshu));    }    return res;}public static int swapMoneyMethods(int arr[], int aim) {    if (arr == null) {        return 0;    }    return process(arr, 0, aim);}public static void main(String[] args) {    int arr[] = {
5, 10, 25, 1}; System.out.println(swapMoneyMethods(arr, 15));}复制代码


上述的暴力递归是极其暴力的,比如对于参数 arr=[5,3,1,30,15,20,10],aim=100来说,如果已经决策了3张5元+0张3元+0张1元的接着会调子过程process(arr, 3, 85);如果已经决策了0张5元+5张3元+0张1元接着也会调子过程process(arr, 3, 85);如果已经决策了0张5元+0张3元+15张1元接着还是会调子过程process(arr, 3, 85)



public static int swapMoneyMethods(int arr[], int aim) {    if (arr == null) {        return 0;    }    return process2(arr, 0, aim);}/*** 使用哈希表左缓存容器* key是某个状态的代号,value是该状态对应的解*/static HashMap
map = new HashMap();public static int process2(int arr[], int index, int aim) { if (index == arr.length) { return aim == 0 ? 1 : 0; } int res = 0; for (int zhangshu = 0; arr[index] * zhangshu <= aim; zhangshu++) { //使用index及其之后的面值拼凑成aim的方法数这个状态的代号:index_aim String key = String.valueOf(index) + "_" + String.valueOf(aim); if (map.containsKey(key)) { res += map.get(key); } else { int value = process(arr, index + 1, aim - (arr[index] * zhangshu)); key = String.valueOf(index + 1) + "_" + String.valueOf(aim - (arr[index] * zhangshu)); map.put(key, value); res += value; } } return res;}public static void main(String[] args) { int arr[] = {
5, 10, 25, 1}; System.out.println(swapMoneyMethods(arr, 15));}复制代码




  1. 首先每个状态都有两个参数indexaimarr作为输入参数是不变的),因此可以对应两个变量的变化范围建立一张二维表:

  2. base case中找出特殊位置的解。比如if(index==arr.length) return aim==0?1:0,那么上述二维表的最后一行对应的所有状态可以直接求解:

  3. 从暴力递归中找出普遍位置对应的状态所依赖的其他状态。比如:

    for (int zhangshu = 0; arr[index] * zhangshu <= aim; zhangshu++) {    res += process(arr, index + 1, aim - (arr[index] * zhangshu));}复制代码



  4. 找出主问题对应二维表的哪个状态((0,maxAim)),那个状态的值就是问题的解。


public static int maxMethodsDp(int arr[], int aim) {    //二维表    int dp[][] = new int[arr.length + 1][aim + 1];    //base case    dp[arr.length][0] = 1;    //从倒数第二行开始推,推出整个二维表每个位置的状态    for (int i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {        for (int j = 0; j <= aim; j++) {            //i对应的面值取0张            dp[i][j] = dp[i + 1][j];            //i对应的面值取1张、2张、3张……            for (int subAim = j - arr[i]; subAim >= 0; subAim = subAim - arr[i]) {                dp[i][j] += dp[i + 1][subAim];            }        }    }    return dp[0][aim];}public static void main(String[] args) {    int arr[] = {
5, 10, 25, 1}; System.out.println(maxMethodsDp(arr, 15));}复制代码



for (int i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {    for (int j = 0; j <= aim; j++) {        dp[i][j] = dp[i + 1][j];        if (j - arr[i] >= 0) {            dp[i][j] += dp[i][j - arr[i]];        }    }}复制代码







public static int maxScoreOfWinner(int arr[]) {    if (arr == null) {        return 0;    }    return Math.max(        f(arr, 0, arr.length-1),        s(arr, 0, arr.length-1));}public static int f(int arr[], int beginIndex, int endIndex) {    if (beginIndex == endIndex) {        return arr[beginIndex];    }    return Math.max(        arr[beginIndex] + s(arr, beginIndex + 1, endIndex),        arr[endIndex] + s(arr, beginIndex, endIndex - 1));}public static int s(int arr[], int beginIndex, int endIndex) {    if (beginIndex == endIndex) {        return 0;    }    return Math.min(        f(arr, beginIndex + 1, endIndex),        f(arr, beginIndex, endIndex - 1));}public static void main(String[] args) {    int arr[] = {
1, 2, 100, 4}; System.out.println(maxScoreOfWinner(arr));//101}复制代码


f(int arr[],int begin,int end)表示如果纸牌只剩下标在begin~end之间的几个了,那么作为先拿者,纸牌被拿完后,先拿者能达到的最大分数;而s(int arr[],int begin,int end)表示如果纸牌只剩下标在begin~end之间的几个了,那么作为后拿者,纸牌被拿完后,后拿者能达到的最大分数。


  • 先拿最左边的arr[beginIndex],那么在A拿完这一张之后就会作为后拿者参与到剩下的(begin+1)~end之间的纸牌的决策了,这一过程可以交给s()来做。
  • 先拿最右边的arr[endIndex],那么在A拿完这一张之后就会作为后拿者参与到剩下的begin~(end-1)之间的纸牌的决策了,这一过程可以交给s()来做。



  • 假设先拿者A拿到了arr[beginIndex],那么去掉该纸牌后,对于剩下的(begin+1)~end之间的纸牌,后拿者B就转变身份成了先拿者,这一过程可以交给f()来处理。
  • 假设先拿者A拿到了arr[endIndex],那么去掉该纸牌后,对于剩下的begin~(end-1)之间的纸牌,后拿者B就转变身份成了先拿者,这一过程可以交给f()来处理。




  1. 确定base case对应的特殊位置上的状态值:


  2. 由递归调用逻辑找出状态依赖。


    return Math.max(                arr[beginIndex] + s(arr, beginIndex + 1, endIndex),                arr[endIndex] + s(arr, beginIndex, endIndex - 1));复制代码



    return Math.min(                f(arr, beginIndex + 1, endIndex),                f(arr, beginIndex, endIndex - 1));复制代码



  3. 确定主问题对应的状态:

    return Math.max(                f(arr, 0, arr.length-1),                s(arr, 0, arr.length-1));复制代码


public static int maxScoreOfWinnerDp(int arr[]) {    if (arr == null || arr.length == 0) {        return 0;    }    int F[][] = new int[arr.length][arr.length];    int S[][] = new int[arr.length][arr.length];    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {        for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {            if (i == j) {                F[i][i] = arr[i];            }        }    }    //依次推出每条对角线,一共n-1条    for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {        for (int row = 0; row < arr.length - i; row++) {            int col = row + i;            F[row][col] = Math.max(arr[row] + S[row + 1][col], arr[col] + S[row][col - 1]);            S[row][col] = Math.min(F[row + 1][col], F[row][col - 1]);        }    }    return Math.max(F[0][arr.length - 1], S[0][arr.length - 1]);}public static void main(String[] args) {    int arr[] = {
1, 2, 100, 4}; System.out.println(maxScoreOfWinnerDp(arr));}复制代码


if (arr == null || arr.length == 0) {    return 0;}int[][] f = new int[arr.length][arr.length];int[][] s = new int[arr.length][arr.length];for (int j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {    f[j][j] = arr[j];    for (int i = j - 1; i >= 0; i--) {        f[i][j] = Math.max(arr[i] + s[i + 1][j], arr[j] + s[i][j - 1]);        s[i][j] = Math.min(f[i + 1][j], f[i][j - 1]);    }}return Math.max(f[0][arr.length - 1], s[0][arr.length - 1]);复制代码



public static int process(int N, int M, int P, int K) {    if (P == 0) {        return M == K ? 1 : 0;    }    if (M == 1) {        return process(N, M + 1, P - 1, K);    } else if (M == N) {        return process(N, M - 1, P - 1, K);    }    return process(N, M + 1, P - 1, K) + process(N, M - 1, P - 1, K);}public static void main(String[] args) {    System.out.println(process(5, 2, 3, 3));}复制代码

这里暴力递归参数列表的可变变量有MP,根据base case和其它特殊情况画出二维表:


public static int robotWalkWaysDp(int N, int M, int P, int K) {    int dp[][] = new int[N + 1][P + 1];    dp[K][0] = 1;    for (int j = 1; j <= P; j++) {        for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {            if (i - 1 < 1) {                dp[i][j] = dp[i + 1][j - 1];            } else if (i + 1 > N) {                dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1];            } else {                dp[i][j] = dp[i + 1][j - 1] + dp[i - 1][j - 1];            }        }    }    return dp[M][P];}public static void main(String[] args) {    System.out.println(robotWalkWaysDp(5, 2, 3, 3));}复制代码




  • str="abc",exp="abc",返回truestr="abc",exp="a.c",exp中单个'.'可以代表任意字符,所以返回true
  • str="abcd",exp=".*"。exp中'*'的前一个字符是'.',所以可表示任意数量的'.'字符,当exp是"...."时与"abcd"匹配,返回true
  • str="",exp="..*"。exp中'*'的前一个字符是'.',可表示任意数量的'.'字符,但是".*"之前还有一个'.'字符,该字符不受'*'的影响,所以str起码有一个字符才能被exp匹配。所以返回false


定义一个方法bool match(char[] str, int i, char[] exp, int j),表示str的下标i ~ str.length部分能否和exp的下标j ~ exp.length部分匹配,分情况讨论如下:

  1. 如果j到了exp.lengthi还没到str.length,返回false,否则返回true

  2. 如果ij都没到右边界,并且j的后一个字符不是*或者越界,那么只有当str[i]=exp[j]exp[j]='.'时,ij才同时右移继续比较match(str, i+1, exp, j+1),否则返回false

  3. 如果ij都没到右边界,并且j后一个字符是*,这时右有两种情况:

    1. str[i] = exp[j]exp[j]='.'。比如a*可以匹配空串也可以匹配一个a,如果str[i]之后还有连续的相同字符,那么a*还可以匹配多个,不管是哪种情况,将匹配后右移的ij交给子过程match

    2. str[i] != exp[j]exp[j] != ‘.’ ,那么exp[j]*只能选择匹配空串。

  4. 如果i到了str.lengthj还没到exp.length,那么j之后的字符只能是a*b*c*.*的形式,也就是一个字符后必须跟一个*的形式,这个检验过程同样可以交给match来做


public static boolean match(char[] s, int i, char[] e, int j) {    if (j == e.length) {        return i == s.length;    }    //j下一个越界或者j下一个不是*    if (j + 1 == e.length || e[j + 1] != '*') {        if (i != s.length && s[i] == e[j] || e[j] == '.') {            return match(s, i + 1, e, j + 1);        }        return false;    }    //j下一个不越界并且j下一个是*    while (i != s.length && s[i] == e[j] || e[j] == '.') {        if (match(s, i, e, j + 2)) {            return true;        }        i++;    }    //如果上面的while是因为 s[i]!=e[j] 而停止的    return match(s, i, e, j + 2);}public static boolean isMatch(String str, String exp) {    if (str == null || exp == null) {        return false;    }    char[] s = str.toCharArray();    char[] e = exp.toCharArray();    return match(s, 0, e, 0);}public static void main(String[] args) {    System.out.println(isMatch("abbbbc","a.*b*c"));//T    System.out.println(isMatch("abbbbc","a.*bbc"));//T    System.out.println(isMatch("abbbbc","a.bbc"));//F    System.out.println(isMatch("abbbbc","a.bbbc"));//T}复制代码


match的参数列表中只有ij是变化的,也就是说只要确定了ij就能对应确定一个match的状态,画出二维表并将base case对应位置状态值标注出来:

再看普遍位置(i,j)的依赖,第6行的if表明(i,j)可能依赖(i+1, j+1),第13行的while表明(i,j)可能依赖(i, j+2)(i+1, j+2)(i+2, j+2)、……、(s.length-1, j+2)

你会发现(i,j)依赖它下面一行和右边相邻两列的状态,也就是说要想推出普遍位置的状态值,起码需要最后一行、最后一列和倒数第二列上的状态值。而base case仅为我们提供了最后一列的状态值,主过程match(e, 0, s, 0)对应(0,0)位置的状态值,我们需要推出整张表所有位置的状态值才行。




那么接下来就只剩下(str.length-1, exp.length-1)这个位置的状态值了,该位置标明i来到了str的末尾字符,j来到了exp的末尾字符,只有当这两个字符相等或exp的末尾字符为.才返回true否则false,也就是说该状态可以直接通过输入参数strexp计算,它不依赖其他状态。二维表的初始化至此全部完成。


public static boolean isMatch(String str, String exp) {    if (str == null || exp == null) {        return false;    }    return matchDp(str, exp);}public static boolean matchDp(String str, String exp) {    if (str == null || exp == null) {        return false;    }    char s[] = str.toCharArray();    char e[] = exp.toCharArray();    boolean[][] dpMap = initDpMap(s, e);    //从倒数第二行开始推,每一行从右向左推    for (int i = s.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {        for (int j = e.length - 2; j > -1; j--) {            if (e[j + 1] != '*') {                dpMap[i][j] = (s[i] == e[j] || e[j] == '.') && dpMap[i + 1][j + 1];            } else {                int tmp = i;                while (tmp != s.length && (s[tmp] == e[j] || e[j] == '.')) {                    if (dpMap[tmp][j + 2]) {                        dpMap[i][j] = true;                        break;                    }                    tmp++;                }                if (dpMap[i][j] != true) {                    dpMap[i][j] = dpMap[i][j + 2];                }            }        }    }    return dpMap[0][0];}public static boolean[][] initDpMap(char[] s, char[] e) {    boolean[][] dpMap = new boolean[s.length + 1][e.length + 1];    //last column    dpMap[s.length][e.length] = true;    //last row -> i=s.length-1    for (int j = e.length - 2; j >= 0; j = j - 2) {        if (e[j] != '*' && e[j + 1] == '*') {            dpMap[s.length - 1][j] = true;        } else {            break;        }    }    //(str.length-1, e.length-1)    if (s[s.length - 1] == e[e.length - 1] || e[e.length - 1] == '.') {        dpMap[s.length - 1][e.length - 1] = true;    }    return dpMap;}复制代码





  • set和get方法的时间复杂度为O(1)。
  • 某个key的set或get操作一旦发生,认为这个key的记录成了最经常使用的。
  • 当缓存的大小超过K时,移除最不经常使用的记录,即set或get最久远的。



  1. cache.set("A",1)。最经常使用的记录为("A",1)。
  2. cache.set("B",2)。最经常使用的记录为("B",2),("A",1)变为最不经常的。
  3. cache.set("C",3)。最经常使用的记录为("C",2),("A",1)还是最不经常的。
  4. cache.get("A")。最经常使用的记录为("A",1),("B",2)变为最不经常的。
  5. cache.set("D",4)。大小超过了3,所以移除此时最不经常使用的记录("B",2),加入记录 ("D",4),并且为最经常使用的记录,然后("C",2)变为最不经常使用的记录



package top.zhenganwen.structure;import java.util.HashMap;public class LRU {    public static class Node
{ K key; V value; Node
prev; Node
next; public Node(K key, V value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.prev = null; this.next = null; } } /** * the head is the oldest record and the tail is the newest record * * the add() will append the record to tail * * @param
key * @param
value */ public static class DoubleLinkedList
{ Node
head; Node
tail; public DoubleLinkedList() { this.head = null; this.tail = null; } public void add(Node
node){ if (node == null) { return; } if (this.head == null) { this.head = node; this.tail = node; } else { this.tail.next = node; node.prev = this.tail; this.tail = node; } } public void moveToTail(Node
node){ if (node == this.tail) { return; } if (node == this.head) { Node
newHead = node.next; newHead.prev = null; this.head = newHead; node.next = null; node.prev = this.tail; this.tail.next = node; this.tail = node; } else { node.prev.next = node.next; node.next.prev = node.prev; node.next=null; node.prev=this.tail; this.tail.next = node; this.tail = node; } } public K removeHead() { if (this.head != null) { K deletedK = this.head.key; if (this.head == this.tail) { this.head = null; this.tail = null; } else { Node
newHead = this.head.next; newHead.prev = null; this.head = newHead; } return deletedK; } return null; } } public static class MyCache
{ HashMap
> map = new HashMap<>(); DoubleLinkedList list = new DoubleLinkedList(); int capacity; public MyCache(int capacity) { this.capacity = capacity; } public void set(K key, V value) { if (map.containsKey(key)) { //swap value //update map Node
node = map.get(key); node.value = value; map.put(key, node); //update list list.moveToTail(node); } else { //save record //if full,remove the oldest first and then save if (map.size() == this.capacity) { K deletedK = (K) list.removeHead(); map.remove(deletedK); } Node
record = new Node<>(key, value); map.put(key, record); list.add(record); } } public V get(K key) { if (map.containsKey(key)) { Node
target = map.get(key); list.moveToTail(target); return target.value; } else { return null; } } } public static void main(String[] args) { MyCache
myCache = new MyCache<>(3); myCache.set("A", 1); myCache.set("B", 2); myCache.set("C", 3); System.out.println(myCache.get("A")); myCache.set("D", 4); System.out.println(myCache.get("B")); }}复制代码









import java.util.HashMap;public class LFUCache
{ /** * Save all record */ private HashMap
> recordMap; /** * The reference of the FrequencyList whose frequency is the lowest */ private FrequencyList headList; /** * Save what FrequencyList a record belongs to */ private HashMap
listOfRecord; /** * How many recordMap the LFUCache can contain */ private int capacity; /** * how many recordMap has been saved */ private int size; public LFUCache(int capacity) { this.recordMap = new HashMap(); this.listOfRecord = new HashMap<>(); this.headList = null; this.capacity = capacity; this.size = 0; } /** * add or update a record * @param key * @param value */ public void set(K key, V value) { //update if (this.recordMap.containsKey(key)) { //update value and frequency Record
record = recordMap.get(key); record.value = value; record.frequency++; //adjust the record's position in FrequencyList adjust(record, listOfRecord.get(record)); } else { //add if (size == capacity) { //delete recordMap.remove(headList.tail.key); headList.deleteRecord(headList.tail); size--; modifyFrequencyList(headList); } Record
newRecord = new Record<>(key, value); recordMap.put(key, newRecord); size++; if (headList == null) { headList = new FrequencyList(newRecord); } else if (headList.head.frequency != 1) { FrequencyList frequencyList = new FrequencyList(newRecord); headList.prev = frequencyList; frequencyList.next = headList; frequencyList.prev = null; headList = frequencyList; } else { headList.addRecordToHead(newRecord); } listOfRecord.put(newRecord, headList); } } /** * get a record by a key,return null if not exists * @param key * @return */ public V get(K key) { if (!recordMap.containsKey(key)) { return null; } Record
record = recordMap.get(key); record.frequency++; adjust(record, listOfRecord.get(record)); return record.value; } /** * When the record's frequency changed,split it from its current * FrequencyList and insert to another one * * @param record * @param frequencyList */ private void adjust(Record
record, FrequencyList frequencyList) { //split frequencyList.deleteRecord(record); boolean deleted = modifyFrequencyList(frequencyList); //insert to anther one FrequencyList prevList = frequencyList.prev; FrequencyList nextList = frequencyList.next; if (nextList != null && record.frequency == nextList.head.frequency) { nextList.addRecordToHead(record); listOfRecord.put(record, nextList); } else { FrequencyList newList = new FrequencyList(record); if (prevList == null) { if (nextList != null) { nextList.prev = newList; } newList.next = nextList; newList.prev = null; headList = newList; } else if (nextList == null) { prevList.next = newList; newList.prev = prevList; newList.next = null; } else { prevList.next = newList; newList.prev = prevList; newList.next = nextList; nextList.prev = newList; } listOfRecord.put(record, newList); } } /** * return whether the frequencyList is deleted * @param frequencyList * @return */ private boolean modifyFrequencyList(FrequencyList frequencyList) { if (!frequencyList.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (frequencyList.prev == null) { headList = frequencyList.next; if (headList != null) { headList.prev = null; } } else if (frequencyList.next == null) { frequencyList.prev.next = null; } else { frequencyList.prev.next = frequencyList.next; frequencyList.next.prev = frequencyList.prev; } return true; } /** * The Record can be design to Record
or Record
used * to encapsulate data * @param
key * @param
value */ private class Record
{ K key; V value; /** * up->the predecessor pointer * down->the successor pointer */ Record
up; Record
down; /** * the frequency of use */ int frequency; /** * when the record was created , set the frequency to 1 * * @param key * @param value */ public Record(K key, V value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.frequency = 1; } } /** * The FrequencyList save a series of Records that * has the same frequency */ private class FrequencyList { /** * prev->the predecessor pointer * next->the successor pointer */ FrequencyList prev; FrequencyList next; /** * The reference of the internal RecordList's head and tail */ Record
head; Record
tail; public FrequencyList(Record
record) { this.head = record; this.tail = record; } public void addRecordToHead(Record
record) { head.up = record; record.down = head; head = record; } public boolean isEmpty() { return head == null; } public void deleteRecord(Record
record) { if (head == tail) { head = null; tail = null; } else if (record == head) { head=head.down; head.up = null; } else if (record == tail) { tail = tail.up; tail.down = null; } else { record.up.down = record.down; record.down.up = record.up; } } } public static void main(String[] args) { LFUCache
cache = new LFUCache<>(3); cache.set("A", 1); cache.set("A", 1); cache.set("A", 1); cache.set("B", 2); cache.set("B", 2); cache.set("C", 3); cache.set("D", 4); System.out.println("break point"); }}复制代码





/** * Not implemented by zhenganwen * * Abstract binary search tree implementation. Its basically fully implemented * binary search tree, just template method is provided for creating Node (other * trees can have slightly different nodes with more info). This way some code * from standart binary search tree can be reused for other kinds of binary * trees. *  * @author Ignas Lelys * @created Jun 29, 2011 *  */public class AbstractBinarySearchTree {    /** Root node where whole tree starts. */    public Node root;    /** Tree size. */    protected int size;    /**	 * Because this is abstract class and various trees have different	 * additional information on different nodes subclasses uses this abstract	 * method to create nodes (maybe of class {
@link Node} or maybe some * different node sub class). * * @param value * Value that node will have. * @param parent * Node's parent. * @param left * Node's left child. * @param right * Node's right child. * @return Created node instance. */ protected Node createNode(int value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) { return new Node(value, parent, left, right); } /** * Finds a node with concrete value. If it is not found then null is * returned. * * @param element * Element value. * @return Node with value provided, or null if not found. */ public Node search(int element) { Node node = root; while (node != null && node.value != null && node.value != element) { if (element < node.value) { node = node.left; } else { node = node.right; } } return node; } /** * Insert new element to tree. * * @param element * Element to insert. */ public Node insert(int element) { if (root == null) { root = createNode(element, null, null, null); size++; return root; } Node insertParentNode = null; Node searchTempNode = root; while (searchTempNode != null && searchTempNode.value != null) { insertParentNode = searchTempNode; if (element < searchTempNode.value) { searchTempNode = searchTempNode.left; } else { searchTempNode = searchTempNode.right; } } Node newNode = createNode(element, insertParentNode, null, null); if (insertParentNode.value > newNode.value) { insertParentNode.left = newNode; } else { insertParentNode.right = newNode; } size++; return newNode; } /** * Removes element if node with such value exists. * * @param element * Element value to remove. * * @return New node that is in place of deleted node. Or null if element for * delete was not found. */ public Node delete(int element) { Node deleteNode = search(element); if (deleteNode != null) { return delete(deleteNode); } else { return null; } } /** * Delete logic when node is already found. * * @param deleteNode * Node that needs to be deleted. * * @return New node that is in place of deleted node. Or null if element for * delete was not found. */ protected Node delete(Node deleteNode) { if (deleteNode != null) { Node nodeToReturn = null; if (deleteNode != null) { if (deleteNode.left == null) { nodeToReturn = transplant(deleteNode, deleteNode.right); } else if (deleteNode.right == null) { nodeToReturn = transplant(deleteNode, deleteNode.left); } else { Node successorNode = getMinimum(deleteNode.right); if (successorNode.parent != deleteNode) { transplant(successorNode, successorNode.right); successorNode.right = deleteNode.right; successorNode.right.parent = successorNode; } transplant(deleteNode, successorNode); successorNode.left = deleteNode.left; successorNode.left.parent = successorNode; nodeToReturn = successorNode; } size--; } return nodeToReturn; } return null; } /** * Put one node from tree (newNode) to the place of another (nodeToReplace). * * @param nodeToReplace * Node which is replaced by newNode and removed from tree. * @param newNode * New node. * * @return New replaced node. */ private Node transplant(Node nodeToReplace, Node newNode) { if (nodeToReplace.parent == null) { this.root = newNode; } else if (nodeToReplace == nodeToReplace.parent.left) { nodeToReplace.parent.left = newNode; } else { nodeToReplace.parent.right = newNode; } if (newNode != null) { newNode.parent = nodeToReplace.parent; } return newNode; } /** * @param element * @return true if tree contains element. */ public boolean contains(int element) { return search(element) != null; } /** * @return Minimum element in tree. */ public int getMinimum() { return getMinimum(root).value; } /** * @return Maximum element in tree. */ public int getMaximum() { return getMaximum(root).value; } /** * Get next element element who is bigger than provided element. * * @param element * Element for whom descendand element is searched * @return Successor value. */ // TODO Predecessor public int getSuccessor(int element) { return getSuccessor(search(element)).value; } /** * @return Number of elements in the tree. */ public int getSize() { return size; } /** * Tree traversal with printing element values. In order method. */ public void printTreeInOrder() { printTreeInOrder(root); } /** * Tree traversal with printing element values. Pre order method. */ public void printTreePreOrder() { printTreePreOrder(root); } /** * Tree traversal with printing element values. Post order method. */ public void printTreePostOrder() { printTreePostOrder(root); } /*-------------------PRIVATE HELPER METHODS-------------------*/ private void printTreeInOrder(Node entry) { if (entry != null) { printTreeInOrder(entry.left); if (entry.value != null) { System.out.println(entry.value); } printTreeInOrder(entry.right); } } private void printTreePreOrder(Node entry) { if (entry != null) { if (entry.value != null) { System.out.println(entry.value); } printTreeInOrder(entry.left); printTreeInOrder(entry.right); } } private void printTreePostOrder(Node entry) { if (entry != null) { printTreeInOrder(entry.left); printTreeInOrder(entry.right); if (entry.value != null) { System.out.println(entry.value); } } } protected Node getMinimum(Node node) { while (node.left != null) { node = node.left; } return node; } protected Node getMaximum(Node node) { while (node.right != null) { node = node.right; } return node; } protected Node getSuccessor(Node node) { // if there is right branch, then successor is leftmost node of that // subtree if (node.right != null) { return getMinimum(node.right); } else { // otherwise it is a lowest ancestor whose left child is also // ancestor of node Node currentNode = node; Node parentNode = node.parent; while (parentNode != null && currentNode == parentNode.right) { // go up until we find parent that currentNode is not in right // subtree. currentNode = parentNode; parentNode = parentNode.parent; } return parentNode; } } // -------------------------------- TREE PRINTING // ------------------------------------ public void printTree() { printSubtree(root); } public void printSubtree(Node node) { if (node.right != null) { printTree(node.right, true, ""); } printNodeValue(node); if (node.left != null) { printTree(node.left, false, ""); } } private void printNodeValue(Node node) { if (node.value == null) { System.out.print("
"); } else { System.out.print(node.value.toString()); } System.out.println(); } private void printTree(Node node, boolean isRight, String indent) { if (node.right != null) { printTree(node.right, true, indent + (isRight ? " " : " | ")); } System.out.print(indent); if (isRight) { System.out.print(" /"); } else { System.out.print(" \\"); } System.out.print("----- "); printNodeValue(node); if (node.left != null) { printTree(node.left, false, indent + (isRight ? " | " : " ")); } } public static class Node { public Node(Integer value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) { super(); this.value = value; this.parent = parent; this.left = left; this.right = right; } public Integer value; public Node parent; public Node left; public Node right; public boolean isLeaf() { return left == null && right == null; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((value == null) ? 0 : value.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Node other = (Node) obj; if (value == null) { if (other.value != null) return false; } else if (!value.equals(other.value)) return false; return true; } }}复制代码


package advanced_class_03;/** * Not implemented by zhenganwen *  * Abstract class for self balancing binary search trees. Contains some methods * that is used for self balancing trees. *  * @author Ignas Lelys * @created Jul 24, 2011 *  */public abstract class AbstractSelfBalancingBinarySearchTree extends AbstractBinarySearchTree {    /**     * Rotate to the left.     *      * @param node Node on which to rotate.     * @return Node that is in place of provided node after rotation.     */    protected Node rotateLeft(Node node) {        Node temp = node.right;        temp.parent = node.parent;        node.right = temp.left;        if (node.right != null) {            node.right.parent = node;        }        temp.left = node;        node.parent = temp;        // temp took over node's place so now its parent should point to temp        if (temp.parent != null) {            if (node == temp.parent.left) {                temp.parent.left = temp;            } else {                temp.parent.right = temp;            }        } else {            root = temp;        }        return temp;    }    /**     * Rotate to the right.     *      * @param node Node on which to rotate.     * @return Node that is in place of provided node after rotation.     */    protected Node rotateRight(Node node) {        Node temp = node.left;        temp.parent = node.parent;        node.left = temp.right;        if (node.left != null) {            node.left.parent = node;        }        temp.right = node;        node.parent = temp;        // temp took over node's place so now its parent should point to temp        if (temp.parent != null) {            if (node == temp.parent.left) {                temp.parent.left = temp;            } else {                temp.parent.right = temp;            }        } else {            root = temp;        }        return temp;    }}复制代码


/** * Not implemented by zhenganwen *  * AVL tree implementation. *  * In computer science, an AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, and * it was the first such data structure to be invented.[1] In an AVL tree, the * heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one. Lookup, * insertion, and deletion all take O(log n) time in both the average and worst * cases, where n is the number of nodes in the tree prior to the operation. * Insertions and deletions may require the tree to be rebalanced by one or more * tree rotations. *  * @author Ignas Lelys * @created Jun 28, 2011 *  */public class AVLTree extends AbstractSelfBalancingBinarySearchTree {    /**     * @see trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree#insert(int)     *      *      AVL tree insert method also balances tree if needed. Additional     *      height parameter on node is used to track if one subtree is higher     *      than other by more than one, if so AVL tree rotations is performed     *      to regain balance of the tree.     */    @Override    public Node insert(int element) {        Node newNode = super.insert(element);        rebalance((AVLNode)newNode);        return newNode;    }    /**     * @see trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree#delete(int)     */    @Override    public Node delete(int element) {        Node deleteNode = super.search(element);        if (deleteNode != null) {            Node successorNode = super.delete(deleteNode);            if (successorNode != null) {                // if replaced from getMinimum(deleteNode.right) then come back there and update heights                AVLNode minimum = successorNode.right != null ? (AVLNode)getMinimum(successorNode.right) : (AVLNode)successorNode;                recomputeHeight(minimum);                rebalance((AVLNode)minimum);            } else {                recomputeHeight((AVLNode)deleteNode.parent);                rebalance((AVLNode)deleteNode.parent);            }            return successorNode;        }        return null;    }    /**     * @see trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree#createNode(int, trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree.Node, trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree.Node, trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree.Node)     */    @Override    protected Node createNode(int value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) {        return new AVLNode(value, parent, left, right);    }    /**     * Go up from inserted node, and update height and balance informations if needed.     * If some node balance reaches 2 or -2 that means that subtree must be rebalanced.     *      * @param node Inserted Node.     */    private void rebalance(AVLNode node) {        while (node != null) {            Node parent = node.parent;            int leftHeight = (node.left == null) ? -1 : ((AVLNode) node.left).height;            int rightHeight = (node.right == null) ? -1 : ((AVLNode) node.right).height;            int nodeBalance = rightHeight - leftHeight;            // rebalance (-2 means left subtree outgrow, 2 means right subtree)            if (nodeBalance == 2) {                if (node.right.right != null) {                    node = (AVLNode)avlRotateLeft(node);                    break;                } else {                    node = (AVLNode)doubleRotateRightLeft(node);                    break;                }            } else if (nodeBalance == -2) {                if (node.left.left != null) {                    node = (AVLNode)avlRotateRight(node);                    break;                } else {                    node = (AVLNode)doubleRotateLeftRight(node);                    break;                }            } else {                updateHeight(node);            }            node = (AVLNode)parent;        }    }    /**     * Rotates to left side.     */    private Node avlRotateLeft(Node node) {        Node temp = super.rotateLeft(node);        updateHeight((AVLNode)temp.left);        updateHeight((AVLNode)temp);        return temp;    }    /**     * Rotates to right side.     */    private Node avlRotateRight(Node node) {        Node temp = super.rotateRight(node);        updateHeight((AVLNode)temp.right);        updateHeight((AVLNode)temp);        return temp;    }    /**     * Take right child and rotate it to the right side first and then rotate     * node to the left side.     */    protected Node doubleRotateRightLeft(Node node) {        node.right = avlRotateRight(node.right);        return avlRotateLeft(node);    }    /**     * Take right child and rotate it to the right side first and then rotate     * node to the left side.     */    protected Node doubleRotateLeftRight(Node node) {        node.left = avlRotateLeft(node.left);        return avlRotateRight(node);    }    /**     * Recomputes height information from the node and up for all of parents. It needs to be done after delete.     */    private void recomputeHeight(AVLNode node) {        while (node != null) {            node.height = maxHeight((AVLNode)node.left, (AVLNode)node.right) + 1;            node = (AVLNode)node.parent;        }    }    /**     * Returns higher height of 2 nodes.      */    private int maxHeight(AVLNode node1, AVLNode node2) {        if (node1 != null && node2 != null) {            return node1.height > node2.height ? node1.height : node2.height;        } else if (node1 == null) {            return node2 != null ? node2.height : -1;        } else if (node2 == null) {            return node1 != null ? node1.height : -1;        }        return -1;    }    /**     * Updates height and balance of the node.     *      * @param node Node for which height and balance must be updated.     */    private static final void updateHeight(AVLNode node) {        int leftHeight = (node.left == null) ? -1 : ((AVLNode) node.left).height;        int rightHeight = (node.right == null) ? -1 : ((AVLNode) node.right).height;        node.height = 1 + Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight);    }    /**     * Node of AVL tree has height and balance additional properties. If balance     * equals 2 (or -2) that node needs to be re balanced. (Height is height of     * the subtree starting with this node, and balance is difference between     * left and right nodes heights).     *      * @author Ignas Lelys     * @created Jun 30, 2011     *      */    protected static class AVLNode extends Node {        public int height;        public AVLNode(int value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) {            super(value, parent, left, right);        }    }}复制代码


/** * Not implemented by zhenganwen *  * Red-Black tree implementation. From Introduction to Algorithms 3rd edition. *  * @author Ignas Lelys * @created May 6, 2011 *  */public class RedBlackTree extends AbstractSelfBalancingBinarySearchTree {    protected enum ColorEnum {        RED,        BLACK    };    protected static final RedBlackNode nilNode = new RedBlackNode(null, null, null, null, ColorEnum.BLACK);    /**     * @see trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree#insert(int)     */    @Override    public Node insert(int element) {        Node newNode = super.insert(element);        newNode.left = nilNode;        newNode.right = nilNode;        root.parent = nilNode;        insertRBFixup((RedBlackNode) newNode);        return newNode;    }    /**     * Slightly modified delete routine for red-black tree.     *      * {
@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Node delete(Node deleteNode) { Node replaceNode = null; // track node that replaces removedOrMovedNode if (deleteNode != null && deleteNode != nilNode) { Node removedOrMovedNode = deleteNode; // same as deleteNode if it has only one child, and otherwise it replaces deleteNode ColorEnum removedOrMovedNodeColor = ((RedBlackNode)removedOrMovedNode).color; if (deleteNode.left == nilNode) { replaceNode = deleteNode.right; rbTreeTransplant(deleteNode, deleteNode.right); } else if (deleteNode.right == nilNode) { replaceNode = deleteNode.left; rbTreeTransplant(deleteNode, deleteNode.left); } else { removedOrMovedNode = getMinimum(deleteNode.right); removedOrMovedNodeColor = ((RedBlackNode)removedOrMovedNode).color; replaceNode = removedOrMovedNode.right; if (removedOrMovedNode.parent == deleteNode) { replaceNode.parent = removedOrMovedNode; } else { rbTreeTransplant(removedOrMovedNode, removedOrMovedNode.right); removedOrMovedNode.right = deleteNode.right; removedOrMovedNode.right.parent = removedOrMovedNode; } rbTreeTransplant(deleteNode, removedOrMovedNode); removedOrMovedNode.left = deleteNode.left; removedOrMovedNode.left.parent = removedOrMovedNode; ((RedBlackNode)removedOrMovedNode).color = ((RedBlackNode)deleteNode).color; } size--; if (removedOrMovedNodeColor == ColorEnum.BLACK) { deleteRBFixup((RedBlackNode)replaceNode); } } return replaceNode; } /** * @see trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree#createNode(int, trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree.Node, trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree.Node, trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree.Node) */ @Override protected Node createNode(int value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) { return new RedBlackNode(value, parent, left, right, ColorEnum.RED); } /** * {
@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Node getMinimum(Node node) { while (node.left != nilNode) { node = node.left; } return node; } /** * {
@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Node getMaximum(Node node) { while (node.right != nilNode) { node = node.right; } return node; } /** * {
@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Node rotateLeft(Node node) { Node temp = node.right; temp.parent = node.parent; node.right = temp.left; if (node.right != nilNode) { node.right.parent = node; } temp.left = node; node.parent = temp; // temp took over node's place so now its parent should point to temp if (temp.parent != nilNode) { if (node == temp.parent.left) { temp.parent.left = temp; } else { temp.parent.right = temp; } } else { root = temp; } return temp; } /** * {
@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Node rotateRight(Node node) { Node temp = node.left; temp.parent = node.parent; node.left = temp.right; if (node.left != nilNode) { node.left.parent = node; } temp.right = node; node.parent = temp; // temp took over node's place so now its parent should point to temp if (temp.parent != nilNode) { if (node == temp.parent.left) { temp.parent.left = temp; } else { temp.parent.right = temp; } } else { root = temp; } return temp; } /** * Similar to original transplant() method in BST but uses nilNode instead of null. */ private Node rbTreeTransplant(Node nodeToReplace, Node newNode) { if (nodeToReplace.parent == nilNode) { this.root = newNode; } else if (nodeToReplace == nodeToReplace.parent.left) { nodeToReplace.parent.left = newNode; } else { nodeToReplace.parent.right = newNode; } newNode.parent = nodeToReplace.parent; return newNode; } /** * Restores Red-Black tree properties after delete if needed. */ private void deleteRBFixup(RedBlackNode x) { while (x != root && isBlack(x)) { if (x == x.parent.left) { RedBlackNode w = (RedBlackNode)x.parent.right; if (isRed(w)) { // case 1 - sibling is red w.color = ColorEnum.BLACK; ((RedBlackNode)x.parent).color = ColorEnum.RED; rotateLeft(x.parent); w = (RedBlackNode)x.parent.right; // converted to case 2, 3 or 4 } // case 2 sibling is black and both of its children are black if (isBlack(w.left) && isBlack(w.right)) { w.color = ColorEnum.RED; x = (RedBlackNode)x.parent; } else if (w != nilNode) { if (isBlack(w.right)) { // case 3 sibling is black and its left child is red and right child is black ((RedBlackNode)w.left).color = ColorEnum.BLACK; w.color = ColorEnum.RED; rotateRight(w); w = (RedBlackNode)x.parent.right; } w.color = ((RedBlackNode)x.parent).color; // case 4 sibling is black and right child is red ((RedBlackNode)x.parent).color = ColorEnum.BLACK; ((RedBlackNode)w.right).color = ColorEnum.BLACK; rotateLeft(x.parent); x = (RedBlackNode)root; } else { x.color = ColorEnum.BLACK; x = (RedBlackNode)x.parent; } } else { RedBlackNode w = (RedBlackNode)x.parent.left; if (isRed(w)) { // case 1 - sibling is red w.color = ColorEnum.BLACK; ((RedBlackNode)x.parent).color = ColorEnum.RED; rotateRight(x.parent); w = (RedBlackNode)x.parent.left; // converted to case 2, 3 or 4 } // case 2 sibling is black and both of its children are black if (isBlack(w.left) && isBlack(w.right)) { w.color = ColorEnum.RED; x = (RedBlackNode)x.parent; } else if (w != nilNode) { if (isBlack(w.left)) { // case 3 sibling is black and its right child is red and left child is black ((RedBlackNode)w.right).color = ColorEnum.BLACK; w.color = ColorEnum.RED; rotateLeft(w); w = (RedBlackNode)x.parent.left; } w.color = ((RedBlackNode)x.parent).color; // case 4 sibling is black and left child is red ((RedBlackNode)x.parent).color = ColorEnum.BLACK; ((RedBlackNode)w.left).color = ColorEnum.BLACK; rotateRight(x.parent); x = (RedBlackNode)root; } else { x.color = ColorEnum.BLACK; x = (RedBlackNode)x.parent; } } } } private boolean isBlack(Node node) { return node != null ? ((RedBlackNode)node).color == ColorEnum.BLACK : false; } private boolean isRed(Node node) { return node != null ? ((RedBlackNode)node).color == ColorEnum.RED : false; } /** * Restores Red-Black tree properties after insert if needed. Insert can * break only 2 properties: root is red or if node is red then children must * be black. */ private void insertRBFixup(RedBlackNode currentNode) { // current node is always RED, so if its parent is red it breaks // Red-Black property, otherwise no fixup needed and loop can terminate while (currentNode.parent != root && ((RedBlackNode) currentNode.parent).color == ColorEnum.RED) { RedBlackNode parent = (RedBlackNode) currentNode.parent; RedBlackNode grandParent = (RedBlackNode) parent.parent; if (parent == grandParent.left) { RedBlackNode uncle = (RedBlackNode) grandParent.right; // case1 - uncle and parent are both red // re color both of them to black if (((RedBlackNode) uncle).color == ColorEnum.RED) { parent.color = ColorEnum.BLACK; uncle.color = ColorEnum.BLACK; grandParent.color = ColorEnum.RED; // grandparent was recolored to red, so in next iteration we // check if it does not break Red-Black property currentNode = grandParent; } // case 2/3 uncle is black - then we perform rotations else { if (currentNode == parent.right) { // case 2, first rotate left currentNode = parent; rotateLeft(currentNode); } // do not use parent parent.color = ColorEnum.BLACK; // case 3 grandParent.color = ColorEnum.RED; rotateRight(grandParent); } } else if (parent == grandParent.right) { RedBlackNode uncle = (RedBlackNode) grandParent.left; // case1 - uncle and parent are both red // re color both of them to black if (((RedBlackNode) uncle).color == ColorEnum.RED) { parent.color = ColorEnum.BLACK; uncle.color = ColorEnum.BLACK; grandParent.color = ColorEnum.RED; // grandparent was recolored to red, so in next iteration we // check if it does not break Red-Black property currentNode = grandParent; } // case 2/3 uncle is black - then we perform rotations else { if (currentNode == parent.left) { // case 2, first rotate right currentNode = parent; rotateRight(currentNode); } // do not use parent parent.color = ColorEnum.BLACK; // case 3 grandParent.color = ColorEnum.RED; rotateLeft(grandParent); } } } // ensure root is black in case it was colored red in fixup ((RedBlackNode) root).color = ColorEnum.BLACK; } protected static class RedBlackNode extends Node { public ColorEnum color; public RedBlackNode(Integer value, Node parent, Node left, Node right, ColorEnum color) { super(value, parent, left, right); this.color = color; } }}复制代码


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